November Update

Dear praying sisters (& brothers),

Thank you very much for investing your prayers during this critical season of planning and preparation for NY CityServe & CityFest. Thank you for specifically embracing through prayer the inhabitants of Long Island. We are in a key season to ask the Lord for unity, strategy, boldness, equipping, protection and vision.

Thank you for making request, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving for everyone (1 Tim 2:1), including those living & working in Long Island.

November Long Island Prayer Items:
•    Convoy of Hope: we are currently working on encouraging churches to partner together in a Convoy effort for next summer.  The leadership for this effort are hoping for 25 churches to partner.  We need prayer for more partners to join. 
•    Churches around the region are partnering together on a sermon series called “Explore God” (7 weeks).  This is an evangelistic effort to reach neighbors through unifying together.  Pray for more churches to get the vision and for evangelism to increase.
•    A greater measure of unity and participation with churches in the area around the CityServe and Festival opportunities.
•    For leadership around NY CityServe to be strengthened and for more leaders to answer the call to step up.