January Update

Dear Ladies, 

I come before you with our January update from the northeast region. We are blessed to have had on January 20th the official launch of CT CityServe CityFest. Local pastors were invited to the launch to show their enthusiasm and involvement for the months to come. We had such a response that our venue had a capacity of 85 and they needed to find more room! 

We pray that all those in attendance will passionately grasp all that God wants to do in Connecticut in 2015 and join together in unity to be a part. I look forward to updating you more in our next letter as this event is part of a Pastor’s Prayer Summit. Pastors from the region gathered for 3 days of praying together. Oh, how the Lord will be glorified in this time! We ask you to pray for unity among the pastors during this unique opportunity to serve the people of Connecticut.

As we move closer to the festival in New York City we pray for revival among complacent Christians, that they would be reminded of the power of the Gospel. As the months move forward we will continue to call upon the Lord as a body of believers to draw people in the New York/Connecticut area to Him. 


Gail Link
Northeast Regional Prayer Leader
