Greetings Praying Women in the North!
We are blessed to join together in prayer for all God is doing in The Bronx! As we near spring, it is evident that great things are on the way. In fact, great things are already taking place. Thank you for your continued partnership in prayer. God’s Word assures us that as we pray, with one voice, one purpose and one Spirit, He responds! It is exciting to see and to be a part of this great Gospel Movement!
Please praise God with us for a wonderful Renew Conference in the Bronx on 2/11. The second of 5 Re:New meetings, the night in the Bronx was blessed with the Spirit of God as Luis & Francis Chan offered believers encouragement and renewal, while challenging them with the action the Gospel inspires- to spread the Good News!
Continue to praise God for the group of pastors that have committed to praying together each Wednesday morning. What a great example of unity!
Please pray for the following on behalf of Levi Park and the team in the Bronx:
- Direction for a new administrative assistant as they interview people this week.
- The advertising and Public Relations campaign. Praise for the PR agency that has been hired and ask God to use the avenue of media to inspire people to get involved and to come and hear the Good News proclaimed!
- Ask God for increased momentum and passion for this Gospel movement among churches in the Bronx.
- Lift up Bronx church coordinators: Arabia Veggacado and Efrain Alicea.
- Ask God to open the doors to provide for an Orchard Beach outreach for this summer.
- Ask God to bless upcoming outreach opportunities at Riker’s Island.
Thank you for your prayers!
Nicole Furno
Regional Prayer Coordinator, North/Great Lakes
“Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.” Hebrews 13:20-21